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Monday, August 16, 2010

A More Consistent Golf Game!

How consistent is your golf game?  If you are reading this you would like it to be more consistent.  You, like me, understand that more consistency in your golf game will lead to a more consistent, lower score.  So for many of us we feel that equipment is the key to consistency.  We should go out and get all name brand equipment and play only a certain kind of ball and that will make us better.  In this thought process, sure your equipment fitting you properly will consistently help you be a better golfer.  The problem is most of us that are frustrated with our game have already picked out a set of clubs we think will fit us.  We still don't score well all the time.  We score an 82 one time out and a 78 the next and then on the same course we shoot a 95.  There were bright spots in the 95 but the 78 looks far better on the score card right.  Well, just like everything else consistency is the key, but in order to play consistent golf you must play consistently, meaning tines that you play.  You may say I don't have that much time.  How about this?  I know golf is not your life, but you want to be good enough to play competitively with your friends.  Driving Range time!  It only takes about an hour for you to focus on one specific part of your game; driving one day, chipping/putting one day, and irons another day.  That would be three hours a week on three different days and would equal out to one round a week or so.  What does that do for me?  You might say this isn't going to help. 
It will help you be more consistent.  When you do play you will know what club to grab from your bag on almost every shot.  Confidence is the key to being consistent.  If you don't have any confidence in your game, no matter what sport, you will never get better.  Give it a try and see it make you better!

Rock Bottom Golf 320 X 250 Ad - General

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