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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Head on a Swivel!

You may have never heard this, but I heard the phrase many times in my sporting days. "Get your head on a swivel." Keep a look out for what might be coming. It is important to understand this concept in football. If you play linebacker it is especially important, because you are the second level of the defense. You have the ability to react to the play before a blocker gets to you. Now, if the offensive lineman is doing his job and has studied properly he is going to know where you will react and go to and how to get in your way. It really won't take much more than that if everything else is taken care of. Just getting between you and the ball carrier, even if he doesn't block you all that well, adds a couple of yards to the play anyway. So keep your head on a swivel! If you are able to not only get to the spot you need to be, but also get there without being blocked then you are in a much better position to make the tackle for little or no gain. After all down and distance always favors the defense. Now this lesson is particularly important to everyone involved because eventually you will have a life to live and know there are specific things that you must do. The trick is maintaining an awareness of everything going on around you and seeing things that are coming to be able to adjust and still make your mark.
Tricky thing this head on a swivel idea. It is easy to get so focused on avoiding the block that you miss the play entirely. Don't forget that making the tackle is your first priority not avoiding being hit. Stay focused and you will get there, and don't forget to have a look out for what else may be coming. In other words, keep your head on a swivel.

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