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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Leadership and Learning are very much the same

I found a blog post earlier today that talked about when everyone starts new things they are ignorant.  And the truth is they're right.  When we start something new we are ignorant and are fooling ourselves to think otherwise.  When we first start learning to play baseball for instance we have to be taught how to do everything.  We need to know how to throw and catch.  Then that evolves into catching fly balls or fielding grounders and being able to judge that as the ball comes off the bat.  Next we need to be more fluent in our attempts to do that, and we throw in being able to hit a ball thrown from a person and not just fed into a machine or lobbed to us from our dad.  We have to work on batting stances, proper swings, balance, timing and positioning.  Then base running and signals come into play, as well we begin to play situational baseball and needing to know what to do with the ball when there is a runner on 2nd with 2 outs and the ball is hit into the alley.  How do we respond?  In order to grow to this point we have learned from whoever was willing to teach us and that is the trick.  We must learn the right things to do and grow into leaders on the field by spending time to know what to do and when to do it.  No matter what stage of athletics you are in right now this will help.  You will not succeed until you know what to do and many times why you are doing it.

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